9:00 PM
Homemade gift for a special friend, someone who shares the same passion for baking... someone who fares way better than me in keeping.... h...
homemade gift homemade gift Reviewed by Rextor on 9:00 PM Rating: 5
10:07 PM
A medley of colour...ready to pop into the oven... 25 minutes later... dinner was ready... our weeknight special...roasted seabass with pota...
weeknight special weeknight special Reviewed by Rextor on 10:07 PM Rating: 5
10:22 PM
I know, it is only mid-week, pardon me for blogging about a weekend breakfast (*^_^*) For me to be able to post this before the end of the w...
weekend breakfast weekend breakfast Reviewed by Rextor on 10:22 PM Rating: 5
9:18 PM
I though it would take a while for me to update my blog, but I am glad I am able to do it much sooner. You see, I wasn't in the best moo...
just for the record just for the record Reviewed by Rextor on 9:18 PM Rating: 5
6:05 AM
I'm normally not an advocate for slow cooking. If you have been following my blog, you would have noticed that I usually go for quick an...
slow food so good slow food so good Reviewed by Rextor on 6:05 AM Rating: 5