5:50 AM
(the photos in this post appear faded and washed out, which is intentional...) Nothing beats a nice, warm homemade muffin over a cup of hot ...
baking away from home baking away from home Reviewed by Rextor on 5:50 AM Rating: 5
2:11 AM
It was the first Monday morning of the school holiday…just like any other day for me... After a not so good sleep the previous night (maybe ...
Just another day Just another day Reviewed by Rextor on 2:11 AM Rating: 5
8:25 AM
It is more than a month since I last baked something! I was so caught up with cleaning up the house, clearing the clutters, removing old tex...
cake in a cup cake in a cup Reviewed by Rextor on 8:25 AM Rating: 5
8:45 AM
I have never baked anything without following a recipe closely...the same thing doesn't seem to apply when it comes to cooking... I don...
cooking without a recipe cooking without a recipe Reviewed by Rextor on 8:45 AM Rating: 5